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ALTO携手龙健 强强联合共赢未来

发布日期:2018-08-02 23:36:12    浏览次数:2023

摘要: ALTO 2000年成立在意大利的EMILIA,这是一个充满艺术与科技交融的地方,也是意大利最著名的歌剧作家Gluseppe Verdi (威尔第)的故乡,亦是世界顶级跑车Ferrari(法拉利),Maserati(玛莎拉蒂)及Lamborghini(兰博基尼) ...
       ALTO 2000年成立在意大利的EMILIA,这是一个充满艺术与科技交融的地方,也是意大利最著名的歌剧作家Gluseppe Verdi (威尔第)的故乡,亦是世界顶级跑车Ferrari(法拉利),Maserati(玛莎拉蒂)及Lamborghini(兰博基尼)的生产基地。ALTO声乐上的意思是指男高音(女低音)声部,其音域由E调至G2音谐,是音乐中使用最主要的音谐,也是欧洲繁荣昌盛的制造商中杰出的代表。

      ALTO 投放市场后,以其优良的品质、极高的性价比、时尚的外观设计引起业界轰动,在短短的4年时间,就成为行业内的知名品牌,并在本世纪初一跃成为行业领导品牌之一。随后,由于ALTO 内部股权变更,新的执行团队制定新的市场发展方向,把战略重点放在欧美市场,成效卓著,有源音箱等产品拥有极高的市场占有率极。

       2010年,源自意大利的ALTO被美国in music集团全资收购。2014年与龙健集团达成战略联盟,联合业界精英组建ALTO中国运营中心,使ALTO在中国市场大放异彩。ALTO品牌诞生后,不仅被授予“行业内的领导者和先进的开拓者”的荣称,更被公认为“二十一世纪最优秀的扩声方案供应商之一”。
       2017年2月25-26日,来自五湖的众多优秀经销商齐聚龙健集团总部参加“音享世界·一起前行”2017年美国ALTO第二届经销商大会,提升ALTO的品牌知名度和在音频行业的影响力!为表重视,ALTO亚太区销售总监Peter Workman先生不远万里来华参加本次经销商大会,并在会上对ALTO全球发展对大中华的做了重点部署计划,加强与经销商、代理商之间的交流沟通,增进彼此间的合作,步步推进ATLO在中国的发展。
      CA001: After being full acquisition from inMusic, ALTO cooperated with LONG JIAN and built the China Operation Office in 2014. ALTO achieve powerful alliances and great development. What’s the reason about this cooperation? How about the market positioning strategies of ALTO in China?
      CA001:  ALTO品牌被inMusic全资收购后,2014年与龙健集团合作,组建ALTO中国运营中心,实现强强联合,使ALTO在中国市场绽放异彩。是什么原因促使这样的合作的呢?ALTO在中国市场的定位是怎样的?
      Peter: When inMusic acquired ALTO in 2009, our first priority was to develop new products. We are an American company, so of course our engineering and product development teams focused on products in high demand in the USA. Eg. In 2010 we launched the Truesonic Active speaker series, and they quickly became the number one selling loudspeakers in America. We have also done extremely well with those same models in many other countries.In spite of all those successes, we felt like there was more that could be done in China.
       Peter: inMusic集团在2009年收购 ALTO的时候,首要任务就是开发新产品。我们是一家美国公司,当然我们的工程和产品开发团队也是专注于美国市场对产品的需求。比如,在2010年,我们推出了Truesonic系列有源音箱, 并且在美国这个系列的有源音箱也迅速成为销售第一位。同时在许多其他国家,这个系列的产品也销售的非常好。尽管我们取得了这么多的成就,我们还是觉得可以为中国市场做的更多。

       CA001: ALTO entered the Chinese market a few years ago, and has achieved good results.Have you encounter any challenges? What are they and how did you solve them? And at the different stages, what kind of adjustments and changes did you make?
       CA001:  ALTO进军中国市场几年,取得不俗的成绩。在发展的过程中,有没遇到什么挫折,如何解决的?在不同的发展阶段,ALTO有做什么调整?
       Peter: ALTO products were being sold in China before we acquired the brand, but those products were not of a quality expected from an American brand. Our first challenge in China, was to offer new models and establish Alto as an American brand offering high quality products. Our second challenge, was to gain a better understanding of what products would do well in the Chinese market.
       Peter: 在INMUSIC集团收购ALTO这个品牌之前,ALTO的产品也一直都在中国销售, 但是那些产品对于一个美国品牌而言,并没有达到品牌预期的质量。我们在中国的第一个挑战是,研发出更多的高品质的新产品,建立Alto美国品牌的良好形象。我们的第二个挑战是更好地了解什么是中国市场受欢迎的产品。
       CA001: The basic way of the strategy about ALTO is: Different products for different market development to meet the needs of different countries and regions, to provide users with the best cost-effective products and the most complete audio system solutions. how do you practice the guidelines?
       CA001:  ALTO品牌的全球战略方针是:针对不同市场研发不同的产品来满足不同国家和地区的需求,为用户提供最佳性价比产品及最完整的音频系统解决方案。请问您们是如何去实践这个方针的?
       Peter: Although certain models designed by our USA engineering team sold well in China,we were not having the same level of success in China, as we were in the rest of the world. After some time it became clear that we needed help! In 2014 we partnered with the Longjoin group of companies, and began the process of developing new models specifically for the Chinese market, based on their advice. By 2016 we were selling a good range of models designed just for China, and sales have exceeded our expectations!
       Peter: 尽管由我们美国研发团队设计的某些产品在中国很畅销,但是还是没有达到我们对中国这块市场的预期目标。而后我们发现,我们需要帮助,需要更大的进步! 在2014年我们与Longjoin集团公司合作, 根据他们的建议,我们开始开发适合中国市场的各类产品。到2016年我们增加的那些针对中国市场的产品线销售很成功并且超过我们的预期目标!
      CA001: The competition was fierce in these years, how do you think about the differences between the Chinese and European/American market?
      CA001:  这两年行业的竞争非常激烈,您如何看待中国市场和欧美市场的差异?
      Peter: Competition is fierce all over the world, just as it is in China. In order to succeed, a company must have a strong brand, the right range of products at the right price, and the right team supporting the brand. Since partnering with Longjoin, I believe we now have all those things in China.
       Peter: 同中国一样,世界各地的竞争都是非常激烈的。为了成功,一个公司必须有一个强大的品牌, 品牌需要拥有价格竞争力的合适产品线,并且有一支运行品牌的优良团队。与Longjoin合作后,我们具备了在中国市场发展的这一切因素。
      CA001: Target different markets, do you have different marketing strategy? How to apply your products in different field? Please provide an example.
      CA001:  ALTO针对不同的市场,您们又有怎样不同的策略?您们的产品在不同的领域如何应用?请举例说明!
      Peter: In most western markets, ALTO equipment is sold in music stores, and the people making purchases are musicians buying for their own use. In Asia, Alto is mostly used for fixed installations. Working musicians in the west, have very different needs from sound system installers in Asia, so we offer different products to each. For example: A western customer wants simplicity and portability, so an active speaker is perfect. However, an installation customer wants flexibility and control, so passive speakers with power amplifiers and system processors are more suitable for Asia.
      Peter: 在大多数西方市场,ALTO的产品是在音乐商店里销售的,消费群体都是一些音乐家,购买后自己使用。在亚洲,ALTO产品主要是用于固定安装。西方的音乐家和亚洲的工程安装,对产品的要求不同,所以我们提供的产品选择也不同。比如,西方的客户想要简单并且便携的产品,那么有源箱是最适合的。然而,客户想要固定安装和控制类的产品,所以无源的音箱加功放加处理器这类就更适合亚洲市场。
      CA001: How do you think about the marketing and brand promotion of ALTO?
      CA001:  您如何看待ALTO的品牌营销和市场推广?
      Peter: Our brand promotion strategy is very simple: If there are fantastic products with the Alto badge being used everywhere, the brand will be promoted in the best way possible. Alto has been a top selling brand in the USA and Europe for several years now, so there are now a large number of Alto products being used by bands, DJs, bars, street performers and churches. Since we introduced the new models designed for China,we have seen very strong sales of Alto in the China market too! As a result, we are seeing the strength of the Alto brand grow quickly all over the world.
      Peter: 我们的品牌推广策略很简单:如果ALTO品牌的那些好产品随处都在被使用,那么这个品牌的影响力也就随之而来。Alto在欧美国家这么多年以来一直都是是最畅销的品牌,现在有大量的ALTO产品被乐队,DJ,酒吧、街头艺人和教堂等在使用。自从我们针对中国市场推出了新的产品,ALTO在中国市场的销售也取得了非常好的成绩!综上所述,Alto的品牌影响力在世界各地都在迅速发展。
      CA001: In the new year, what’s your new goal or the long-term development?
      CA001: 新的一年,您们有什么新的目标或长远的规划?
      Peter: Alto will always be about having quality products at the right price. We have been listening to our customers in China, and they have given us some great ideas for new products. For the new year we will continue launching new products in China, based on what our customers have told us they need. This will be our best year yet!
      Peter: Alto的品牌定位一直会是高品质,价合理。我们一直在听取中国客户的建议,他们给了我们一些很棒的新产品创意。在新的一年里,我们也将继续听取客户的良好建议,在中国推出更多适合市场的新产品。这也将会是我们值得期待的一年!





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